Saturday, July 28, 2007

Where has the summer gone??

I keep wondering what happened to summer this year. Last May is was just around the corner and now it is almost August! I'm not ready for it to be August. I still have too much of summer to enjoy. Flowers to smell, books to read, time to relax on the lake, play, laugh...enjoy the sunshine. Someday when we are not bound by time and space I will enjoy sitting, standing, singing, dancing? with my Lord. I think I will enjoy asking Him questions the most, well, I probably won't even care at that point and just get back to praising Him. These pictures I took last weekend when Tom and I were away. They remind me of summer. I'm clinging to it as long as I can. :) Notice the butterfly on the bottom picture? It enjoys summer too!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Birthday celebrations Golden style

Our weekend away to celebrate our birthdays was fabulous! Taking the stage though did have it's advantages!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Having fun...

The siblings goofing off!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

A Day at the Lake-Mom kneeboarding!!

A little about me..

Welcome to Golden Odyssey! I am on a journey to becoming more Christ like. I am on a journey to my heavenly home. I am on a journey to learn more about my Lord and how to serve him with all that I am. Sometimes my journey leaves the path He desires for me, but He is always there waiting when I return...loving me, being patient with me, encouraging me. I have met lots of friends on my journey. This is my best friend & husband!