Tom and I were able to drive down to the hospital yesterday afternoon late and have some time with Augustus. When we got there Daniel was already with him and he was sleeping peacefully in his Daddy's arms. Such a sweet picture. Dan left to get home to Josanna and let his Dad come in to spend time with Gus and I. We were able to hold and cuddle this little guy. He feels so small and vulnerable.
I handed him off so Papa Tom could have a little grandson time, but he was beginning to get a little hungry so, Gus was just a tad bit fussy.
But Papa Tom had the magic touch and soon Gus was chillin' quite peacefully in Tom's arms.

Augustus though, smart guy that he is, remembered that he really was getting hungry and just got side tracked enjoying snuggling with Papa Tom. Gus decided he needed to remind everyone that it really WAS dinner time!

So, back to Nana he came! Now, that's more like it!

First things first though...I need to have a diaper change, before I can enjoy my meal! Nana, would you like to change me?
That feels so much better. Now, back to the fact that I'm hungry. Ok bottle, here I come!
Gus decided to show off to Nana and Papa Tom and drank his whole bottle (48 ml.- a little over an ounce) in about 25 minutes! Whoo-hooo! After he finished his meal it was time for the nurses shift change and we had to say goodbye to our incredible little guy. I'll update again in another few days about this blessing that God has blessed our lives with.
If you would like to keep up with Gus and his progress Daniel and Josanna have created a website that you can go to. It is www.caringbridge.org . When you go there you will enter "Augustus" in the box for which website you would like to visit. It will take you to a page where you will need to create a profile and choose a password. That will allow you to log in to Augustus's page. Daniel and Josana have his story posted, a journal update, photo's and an opperturnity to sign a guest book for messages to Gus.
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