We finally got our boat back from the repair shop! It had been sick for months and then spent over a month in the boat hospital, but was finally released this morning! We were able to spend a couple of hours on the boat. Chad was able to finally try out his new knee board that he got for his birthday. Jed (Josanna's brother) came with us and got to try knee boarding for the first time. Both boys did really well. I tried also. Last summer I was able to make it up...not so lucky today. Maybe another day! It was a beautiful day and I was very excited to get back out on the lake again.

And the day wouldn't be complete without some time with my Grandson. Gus came over this evening to hang out. He played with Nana and was a really happy little guy and then he fell asleep. Here he is sleeping at Nana's house.

And just so she doesn't feel left out, a couple of pictures of Elisabeth Joy who is so happy in these pictures since she just realized that she will get to see Nana in less than 2 weeks!!

This is my Mom holding Lisa during her visit to Albuquerque last week. Lisa's showing off her red hair in this shot!