The highlight of Chad's year so far has to be CYT Robin Hood. After all of the lines were learned, music memorized, sets completed in was time for the show! The opening song Chad appeared as the main character that he played King Richard.

In Act I Chad appears as the Mysterious Stranger...
The next costume change saw him as one on the Merry Men singing and dancing to "Men in Tights" It was one of the funniest songs in the show!
The 4th costume change for Chad was when he became one of the King's soldiers and did a incredible fight scene.The fight scene was one of his favorite scenes.
The very last scene of the play King Richard the Lionhearted returns to set all wrongs right again! He first deals with the evil Sherriff of Nottingham.
Next King Richard takes care of his brother Prince Phillip who had tried to take over his throne.
He knights Robin Hood and suggests that he take the fair Maid Marion to be his bride.
The entire cast comes out to sing "Never Defeated" and song that I have heard so many times I don't think I'll ever forget!
One of the best things about the show, even though it was alot of work, that he really enjoyed were all of the new and old friends he met that he got to perform with!